The entropy of giant gravitons at large charges
There is strong evidence suggesting a one-to-one correspondence between 1/16 BPS states in U(N) N=4 SYM on S3 and states of Giant graviton D3-branes in AdS5xS5, which extend over three independent contractible S3-cycles in the S5. This correspondence has been verified at small enough charges for small N (N<=3) and for large N (at charges ~N or smaller). The question then arises as to whether this correspondence persists for states with large charges. In this talk, I will show how this correspondence persists at large charges, regardless of the value of N. In particular, this result completes a recent observation and confirms that the entropy of 1/16 BPS black holes in Type IIB SUGRA in AdS5XS5, with charges of order ~N^2>>1, can be understood as coming from a condensate of giant-gravitons in AdS5XS5.
18 April 2023, 14:00